What is HRM and why do you need one?

Oleksandr Tykhonov
4 min readOct 28, 2021


Brainy HR: all-in-one HRM system

Human Resources is one of these areas, which has passed this transformative activity over the course of several decades. In the past, the HR department appeared to be a small organizational unit of the company that supports administrative services for employees.

Expanding the role of HR in companies is connected with larger departments that will fall into this department in the future. Fortunately, in the era of simple IT tools, you can find many automatic tools for the daily work of this division. Below we present some of them.

What is Human Resources Management?

HRM — what is it? Human Resources Management is a combination of methods and tools related to human capital management in an organization. People management tools most often include the HRM system, which is designed to support the work of the HR team and facilitate making good management decisions. Professional software of this type is based on one central database, which guarantees the company a full picture of the staffing situation, regardless of whether we are dealing with a medium-sized enterprise or with an international, multi-branch corporation.

What functionalities should a human resource management system have?

The software market offers us many different solutions supporting human resource management. Basic HRM software has such functionalities as:

  • Employee portal that allows you to independently manage personal matters. This functionality organizes the flow of information between the human resources department and the team. An employee can send vacation requests, check available training courses or work schedules remotely.
  • Onboarding/Offboarding.
  • A place for internal company updates. It can be a specific timeline to which a narrow group of people has access (e.g. employees of an organization). This functionality makes it possible to share the latest information, surveys, successes or initiatives with the entire team.
  • One database consists of employee files and digital documentation.
  • Performance review.

What do the company and employees gain from using this solution?

The system brings many benefits to both the HR managers, CEO and individual employees. Pluses of such systems:

  • gives the management a full picture of the situation in the company — a good system always presents up-to-date and correct data on human resources, as a result of which it is easier and faster to make the necessary management decisions
  • helps the HR department to conduct structured and consistent internal communication in the organization, which in turn may increase the effectiveness of the company’s employer branding activities
  • allows you to simplify the handling of the entire period of employment in the company, which is beneficial for both the HR team and each employee. A professional HRM system will support staff already at the stage of recruiting new employees
  • the appropriate program allows HR employees to freely browse employee files, manage leave requests, training sessions, contracts, or employee availability.

The software largely automates the work of the HR department, and this in turn has an impact on faster handling of HR processes — it facilitates and saves time both for employees of the HR department and for the rest of the company. At this point, we can move on to the direct benefits that a person employed in the company will gain after implementing an HRM solution.

What are the advantages of using this system?

One of the biggest advantages of this type of system is that it allows you to take care of your personnel matters on your own. The employee has access to data from the payroll and access to various documents from any place and at any time. This, on the other hand, has another benefit — an IT solution can help you work remotely. Thanks to the system, an employee can, for example, change personal data in his file or submit a vacation request without coming to the office.

A modern IT solution supporting human resource management also allows you to plan an employee development strategy — to expand his skills and competencies. The staff has an easier organization of tasks related to increasing motivation in the team — the systems monitor the demand for training, help in the preparation of employee appraisal. This knowledge is passed on and allows you to influence the development of competencies of individual specialists, which in turn contributes to an increase in productivity.

Introduction of the system in the company

First of all, it is worth considering the offers of various suppliers to find the best solution for your company. The implementation itself consists of several stages. At the very beginning, a pre-implementation analysis should be carried out, which gives an overview of the company’s business challenges and needs. In the next stage of the process, the installation and technical configuration of the system takes place in order to best parameterize it to the requirements of the organization. The final stage is training the team in terms of practical work on the system. The entire process may take from several weeks to several months.


If you focus on the continuous development of your company and you want to optimize the work of the HR department, then see Brainy HR solutions in the field of HRM. Contact us and prepare your company for new challenges.

